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Is Your Business Ready for a Hosted VoIP Phone System?

January 22, 2016

is-your-business-ready-for-a-hosted-voip-phone-systemAs a business owner or key decision maker, your ongoing mandate – whether explicitly stated or implicitly assumed – is to continuously look for ways to help your business be more efficient, effective, innovative, and “do more with less”.  

And as part of this mandate, you are investigating the possibility and viability of making the switch from your traditional phone system, to a hosted VoIP business phone. However, before you move forward, you wisely want to answer a fundamental question: Is your business ready for a hosted VoIP phone system?

Below, we explain how you'll know it's time to switch, (and the sooner, the better).

10 Signs You're Ready to Switch to Hosted VoIP Business Phones: 

  1. You want to save hundreds of dollars a month and thousands of dollars a year on phone bills and maintenance fees.
  2. You want to completely eliminate long distance costs and system upgrade fees.
  3. You want to give your team the advanced mobility to contact each other, customers, or any other party anytime and anywhere.
  4. You want a flexible system that scales based on your growth or contraction, from 5 users to over 5000.
  5. You want the ability to assign new extensions to team members, so employee-to-employee calls are even faster and easier.
  6. You want to provide your team with advanced enterprise-grade calling features, such as web and video conferencing, one-number-service, voicemail to email, voicemail to text, and more.
  7. You want to free your IT staff from having to fix phone system problems, so they can focus on higher priority tasks.
  8. You want reliable business continuity that keeps your system functional and accessible, even in the event of a local power outage.
  9. You want complete control over your phone system via a simple web dashboard, through which you can add or change extensions, monitor call patterns and usage, adjust features, apply geo-restriction rules, and more.
  10. You want to benefit from ongoing system improvements and innovations – and not be denied the latest advancements simply because you aren't a “new customer”.

If you find yourself agreeing with some, many or likely all of the above, then your business is clearly ready for a hosted VoIP phone system.

What’s more, when you partner with Votacall, we will work with you to design a custom system that fits your current and future needs, yet stays firmly within your budget. Our in-house experts will also completely manage installation and provide your team with orientation and support so they can play a significantly role in helping your business “do more for less”!

Contact us today for your free, no obligation consultation.

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