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Comparing the Mobility Features of Hosted VoIP vs. Traditional Phones

February 26, 2016

comparing-the-mobility-features-of-hosted-voip-vs.-traditional-phonesAs you may know from your research so far, the most widely discussed – and for many business decision-makers, the most compelling and convincing – aspect of hosted VoIP vs. traditional phones is the dramatic cost savings. Indeed, it is not uncommon for the savings to reach (or even exceed) 50% on an annual basis. 

However, there are many other aspects of hosted VoIP that deliver substantial, game-changing benefits – and mobility features are definitely on the list. Below, we highlight the advantages of Hosted VoIP.

5 Mobility Advantages of Hosted VoIP vs. Traditional Phones:

1. Anytime, Anywhere Connectivity

Traditional phones use copper wire technology from the 1800s that restrict employees to making or receiving calls from their office. However, hosted VoIP uses broadband Internet connectivity, and as such employees can make or receive calls and access full system features wherever they are and whenever they’re working – either through a certified VoIP phone or a smartphone (including BYOD).

2. Connectivity Across Multiple Locations 

With traditional phones, connecting new locations is costly and time consuming. But with hosted VoIP, businesses can rapidly and easily add numbers and extensions to any location at anytime. What’s more, incoming callers from any location can access a singular greeting with full company-wide directory options (businesses can of course customize greetings for each location if they prefer). 

3. One-Number Service

With traditional phones, the most that employees can do is forward calls to their smartphone when they’re working on-site with a customer, or are on-the-go away from the office. But with hosted VoIP, employees can essentially turn their smartphone into an extension of the phone system, so that when they make outbound calls their office number – and not their cellular number – shows up on caller ID.    

4. New Employee Deployment

An old, familiar, and yet unwelcome story plays out in businesses across the country that are using a traditional phone system: when a new hire onboards, he or she is not given a phone number for weeks or months because one is not available, or is routed to a desk away from their team because it has a working phone number. Regardless of which way the story unfolds, it is unproductive – and it is also not a warm, inspiring way to welcome a new team member!

But with hosted VoIP, new hires can get a number (or extension) assigned to them within minutes. They can start making and receiving calls right away – which is particularly valuable for sales professionals who want to start building their client list ASAP vs. using a borrowed phone number from a colleague. 

5. Remote IT Support

There is another very important aspect of hosted VoIP mobility that is not often discussed, but for IT staff, it is arguably the most important feature of all. With hosted VoIP, IT staff can manage new employee provisioning and exiting employee de-provisioning from anywhere. They do not have to visit each location – everything can be done remotely, and even while on-the-go.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, the mobility features of hosted VoIP are far superior to traditional phones. What’s more, all of these features are built-into the system. They do not cost extra and are not offered to select customers. In other words: game-changing mobility comes standard.

To learn more, contact Votacall today. We would be pleased to provide you with more insight into how hosted VoIP compares to traditional phones. Your consultation with us is free, and there is never any risk or pressure. We are not sales people. We are solutions providers. And that makes all the difference!

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