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3 Reasons Why a VoIP System is the Ideal Nonprofit Phone Service

December 13, 2018

December is a busy month for nonprofit organizations. Not only is it the end of the calendar year, but it’s also a period when many nonprofits experience their most activity. Indeed, holiday drives and fundraisers present great opportunities for nonprofits, but also a heightened degree of stress and strain for their employees. Indeed, if professionals at nonprofits don’t have access to an advanced communications network, they could struggle to deal with a higher volume of calls and assignments spurred on by the holidays. With that in mind, today we’ll explain why VoIP systems are the ideal nonprofit phone service, and provide three tangible advantages your team will enjoy when you make the switch:


The modern professional’s schedule is constantly changing with their responsibilities. One day an employee may have to travel to a remote location to complete a project; or they may work from home regularly; or they simply may need to access work documents while traveling. Regardless of where you are, VoIP systems enable professionals in all fields to instantly get in touch with remote team members and collaborate effectively. What’s more, you can access important files by using VoIP’s user-friendly interface. Plus, VoIP phones are perfect for growing organizations looking to scale up. VoIP phones are wireless and a breeze to install at new locations. Whatever your team needs, VoIP can deliver.


Nonprofit organizations rely on their team members to fire on all cylinders during hectic hours. Fortunately, VoIP systems allow offices to operate at maximum efficiency. With VoIP technology, managers can create and customize hunt groups to best address a high-volume number of calls. In addition, features like voicemail-to-email security offer a built-in safeguard to prevent miscommunication. Lastly, VoIP systems are extremely reliable. Unlike landline systems, which may require physical repairs, VoIP phones function digitally. So as long as your team has a strong internet connection, you can rest easy knowing your phone system won’t go down.


Nonprofit organizations don’t exist to make money, and nonprofits have to manage the capital at their disposal carefully. Fortunately, VoIP phones are a wise investment –– not just for the myriad of features highlighted above –– but for the cost-savings potential they offer as well. Phone systems that require expensive hardware setup and consistent maintenance will cost a nonprofit organization more time, money, and effort than they’re worth in the long run. Conversely, VoIP systems are great value for money, and when you partner with a company like Votacall, you’ll receive round-the-clock IT support too!

Final Thoughts

VoIP phones are fantastic for nonprofits because they allow dedicated individuals to get organized and optimize performance. At Votacall, we strive to go above and beyond the call to better serve our customers. Contact us today to see how we can improve your operation! Also, to get a firsthand glimpse at what makes us different from other phone system providers, make sure to check out our free eBook here:

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