The Cloud Allowing For Work Productivity and Less Time In the Office

Posted by Andrew DeAngelis - 04 September, 2012

9/4/2012- Votacall Hosted VoIP & Cloud Based UC Solutions- Boston, Massachusetts- Today was my first day taking the commuter rail to work; allowing me to test out the Wi-Fi and Cloud Services offered by my iPad. Thankfully I did not have any work to do on the train, but I linked into the hosted wi-fi and found out it operated rather quickly. I was sharing a seat with another gentleman who was railing away at his lap tops keyboard. After a few minutes, we engaged in conversation and he quickly informed me that he gets to leave the office an hour earlier than most because of his utilization of Cloud Computing. With a half hour commute each way, he is able to work right on the train and take mostly wasted time and turn it into production. He informed me how he used to drive into the office and sit in hours of traffic without being able to do work. It frustrated him because this took hours away from his day that could be spent with his family and loved ones. Tired of that 9-5 job? Now because of the Cloud you can ultimately work a 9-4 while working on the commute too and from work.

Cloud Communications is another key contributor to work flexibility. Not only can you work on Documents and projects on the go, you are able to stay in communication as if you were at your desk. Imagine if you were part of a sales team and needed to have your phone number with you until five; tying you to your office chair. Not any more, with Votacall Fixed Mobile Convergence, you are able to transfer a single number to a mobile device or an office phone at a moments notice. Put it all together, the man I spoke about above has access to his documents and projects from the Cloud and has the option of routing his work number to his mobile device. Allowing for constant connection and seamless productivity, providing the possibility for a shortened work day within the office.

One last thing adding to work flexibility, Unified Communications and Video Conferencing. Say you had a meeting but were stuck on the train, this feature would allow you to connect face to face with any individual around the world. Some people may argue that having actual human interaction is far superior for business meetings and decisions. I look at it a different way, video conferencing may be necessary in cases of emergencies or in order to cut communication or transportation costs. Whatever your view, we should all be able to agree that Video Conferencing combined with the Cloud offers features and services never thought possible.

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