How voice to text is making business voip users more productive

Andy DeAngelis
June 3, 2015

Voicemail has become a more advanced Do Not Disturb Button only with a microphone so the caller feels better when they do not reach you.

Of the hours upon hours of messages left each year, only a small percentage, we're talking only minutes are actually worthy of your time.  Thus turning our voicemail boxes into a waste land of voice spam that you just do not have time to sift through to track down the important stuff.

When considering how valuable time is, business VoIP users have turned to Voice to Text Apps to become more productive and to stay connected. In fact the voice to text technology is becoming the small app that packs the huge unified communications punch.

How it works

Voice to Text Apps transcribe audio messages into text which can be delivered to the destination of your choice. 

  • Mobile Phonesvm2txt
  • Mobile Devices
  • Tablets
  • Email












Many VoIP providers allow users to select a combination or all of the voice to text delivery options at no added cost, making it easier than ever to make your voicemail useful again.


Simple UC AppVotacall-UC-Button

Unified Communication features must be simple, but powerful. Making things simple makes them more useful. Voice to Text Apps are the perfect combination of power and simplicity to make staying connected  possible.

Any Scenario Access

In the office and away from your desk, on the road and in need of quick access to important messages, in a meeting and cannot step out to listen to messages or out to dinner and you just dont want to be that person on the cell phone.  Whatever your unique access needs are, voice to text will address them.

Powerful Functionality

We made things even simpler for you by adding functionality to our app. People fall into 1 of 4 categories when it comes to leaving voicemails. The majority fall into the Clear and Concise category, basically meaning our messages are short and to the point and can be easily transcribed.

The other 3 types are:

  1. The Mumble Messenger
  2. The Speed Demon
  3. The Message Whisperer

The names speak for themselves. Many Voice to Text Apps combat this by sending a copy of the actual audio file along with the transcribed message for simple playback if or when necessary.

Mobile User's Best Friend

If you’re traveling, a Voice to Text App will keep you connected with a simple click. Every transcribed message that the user receives includes Caller ID info as a “Hot Link” for Click to Dial functionality. You’ll never have to worry about writing something down, or memorizing a phone number – just read it and click!

We are mobile people, in a mobile world, bound only by the tools we use to enhance our focus, prioritize tasks and stay connected.  Voice to Text App strip business VOIP user of these boundaries by providing simple, at a glance “Any Scenario” access to voice messages.

If you are hungry for more and want to learn how Votacall's VM 2 Text will become your new favorite Business App, get our VM 2 Text Product Overview





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