May the Cloud be with You

Andy DeAngelis
April 26, 2012

Did you know that Obi-Wan kenobi was one of the first to adopt Cloud Technology? I realized this while watching Star Wars with my daughter over the weekend. The actual scene that convinced me of this was when Obi-Wan tells Darth Vader that if he strikes him down he will become more powerful. When I was a kid, that made absolutely no sense to me becasue he didn't seem more powerful, he actually looked weaker to me. At the time, in my mind, he was reduced to a transparent spirit that could not physically effect the outcome of a situation. As a child I had visions of Obi-Wan releasing the Kraken (different movie, but still great...the original of course) the moment Darth Vader struck him down. That was not the case. But then it dawned on me, Obi-Wan and the rebels were benefiting from the (4) advantages of the Cloud and being the Star Wars geek that I am, I will walk you through this step by step and you will witness the true power of the Cloud.

Mobility: That is easy, Obi-Wan just showed up when necessary to advise Luke Skywalker. He didnt need to hitch a ride with anyone, he could just be where he needed to be, when he needed to be there. Without the Cloud technology, he would never have found Luke near death in the middle of a blizzard on Hoth and therefore would not have been able to advise him to go to the Degobah System to visit Yoda to further his training. If Luke does not get that message, it is game over...the rebels are out of business and we never get introduced to Yoda which would have been a pop culture tragedy.

Redundancy: No matter what was happening onsite, Obi-Wan was not effected. Refer to the blizzard scene on Hoth again, Luke was near death, Ton Ton's were freezing to death (literally) and yet Obi-Wan casually shows up in his cloak unaffected by the conditions, he efficiently gets his message across and moves on to other business. If Obi-Wan were on-premise, he would have been an icicle not to mention the fact that Han would not have been able to save both Obi-Wan and Luke from freezing to death (there was only enough room in the frozen Ton Ton for one person and certainly the long term ramifications of Han's choice would have caused a major disruption in the force).

Investment Protection: Obi-Wan no longer ages in the Cloud and he is always at his best. He does not have to worry about Doctor's visits, physicals or any of the typical signs and costly issues with aging. He just continues to be Obi-Wan. He builds upon his mind, without his physical body getting in the way.

Scalability: Obi-Wan could grow without the need of additional hardware...okay, so the Scalability Advantage does not apply, but you can see how 3 of the 4 Cloud Advantages made Obi-Wan more powerful and lead to the overthrow of the Empire. Without the Cloud, the Empire would have successfully dominated the universe and who knows where we would be today if that had happened. May the Cloud be with You.

Andy DeAngelis

Vice President of Sales

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