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How the Avengers will use Unified Communications to Defeat Ultron

April 20, 2015


Next time The Avengers face Ultron, the team will be better prepared and better connected. Instead of relying on a stationary system to connect to The Avengers, the team will use Unified Communications to come together to defeat the clever enemy.

In May, Tony Stark has plans to work on a critical peacekeeping mission, but when Ultron shows up, he has different plans. The Avengers have to remain connected at all times and prevent Ultron from intercepting the data being shared among each other. Unified Communications is a system that allows for all of the connectivity and security the team needs, and then some. The fate of the planet depends on it!

Unified Communications combines server-based technologies and digital Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Data, voice calls and other forms of communication are sent over the internet. The heroes, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Thor will have to take drastic measures to rescue the planet. The troop has access to unlimited resources, but Unified Communications will save them some serious cash and be much more efficient than an analog system.

Unified Communications combines the team’s telephony, instant messaging, emails, voice mails, video conferencing, mobility, desktop sharing, voice-to-email, and data on the same network. The Avengers can communicate and collaborate with instant messaging, cloud tools, web conferencing, email, and voice calling from anywhere in the world and with any device. Not one Avenger will miss the call to action when Ultron makes his entrance. If Tony Stark starts a telephone conversation at his home, he can seamlessly continue his conversation on any mobile device, in his suit, at his desk, out of the office, or in one of his sweet rides. Time is of the essence and no one has time to return calls at a later time. Everyone can connect with audio, video and web at just the right time to increase the reaction to the threat, and the team doesn’t have to invest in new devices or complex servers.

Data security and communication integrity is important for The Avengers to take the enemy by surprise. Because the communication is sent over the internet and the data is stored remotely, Unified Communication software can scramble the information being sent across the network so Ultron cannot intercept sensitive information. Whether the team is collaborating on the cloud, holding a video conferencing session, or communicating on any of their mobile devices, everything said and planned is confidential and hidden from the enemy.

The Avengers cannot do it alone. The team of super heroes needs a team of super heroes of their own to support them. Unified Communications offers scalability, managed solutions, call center experts, maintenance, security, and upgraded services at no extra cost to the team. IT professionals relieve the Avengers from the burden of IT management and connectivity so they can do what it is they do best—save our planet!

With our Unified Communication's solution, you too can harvest the power of Unified Communications. Contact us to learn how!

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