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Meetings of the Future Are in the Cloud - Video Conferencing

April 9, 2015


We live in the clouds now. Cloud technology is making our personal lives easier and it is dramatically changing the way businesses stay connected. Video conferencing improves a company’s communication, and it is has been taken out of the boardroom. Do not limit your meeting potential. The meetings of the future are in the cloud, and your business will only benefit from the revolutionary shift.


Why Should I Use the Cloud for Conferencing?

Your company needs to be on the up-and-up to remain relevant in the digital world, and the cloud is the way to go. Video conferencing on the cloud provides businesses with a wealth of benefits and strategic advancements in the industry.


Reduced travel costs

Travel costs can soar when business is booming or just kicking off. Face-to-face interaction with customers, clients, vendors, partners and employees is necessary for the success of a company, but travel can quickly eat up the budget. Video conferencing permits users to engage in the critical, personal dialogue while reducing transportation costs. When your company saves money on travel costs, the savings can be redirected elsewhere to support the company’s overall goals.



Instead of going to meetings, the meeting comes to you. You can even carry it around with you. Video conferencing puts virtual meetings right in the palm of your hands, on your desktop, and remotely. Businesses can establish meeting places and times that work best for everyone, despite location and the time of day.


Increased communication and collaboration

When employees, clients and partners connect remotely, communication and collaboration flourish. Whether across the globe or across town, everyone can come together to get business done. Online video conferencing provides users with access to virtual tools so employees and partners can share information, work together remotely, and swiftly recover data from any location.


Expanded hiring abilities

Online video conferencing and cloud services give your company access to the best resources and talent for your operations. Video conferencing allows your company to hire people who are the best for job, even if they do not live in the area. The pool of expert expands tremendously, putting the best person for your company right in front of you. Expanding beyond the walls of your current location encourages company expansion, as you will have more representatives and reach in various locations.


Reduces carbon fiber footprint

Adopting green strategies is good for the environment and your bottom line. Reduced energy costs and minimal travel expenses have the potential to save your company thousands of dollars each year. Video conferencing allows you to do more in less space and with less equipment, without compromising the integrity or efficiency of your daily operations and brand image.


With Votacall's Hosted VoIP integration with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS 2007), video conferencing is no longer a nice thing to have, it is a true communication tool and business necessity. It allows for efficient communication and collaboration amongst employees regardless of geography.


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